all the news of Tbilisi photo festival
The concept of the Visual Education Centers aims at the creation and activation of alternative educational platforms in divers geographical locations in Georgia.

Pankisi Mediatheque is a non-formal educational platform in Pankisi Valley and provides new educational and professional opportunities to the local youth. It focuses on visual literacy using the power of documentary images as a tool for civic development. The mediatheque consists of photo book library, rich multimedia archives freely accessible for mediatheque users, and the educational program “Fabrika of Images” with a series of theoretical lectures and workshops on photography, media literacy, digital security etc.

The project is implemented by Tbilisi Photo Festival in partnership with the Tbilisi Photography and Multimedia Museum and Nazy’s Guest House. The project is financially supported by the Georgian Center for Strategy and Development.

Address of Pankisi Media Library: Pankisi, Village Jokolo