Magic Carpets

Nini Khuroshvili

Women's stories from Ghorjomi

My friend and I hitchhiked to Ghorjomi for the first time a few years ago. Then and now, sometimes jokingly and sometimes seriously, everyone advised me to be careful with the Ghorjomi locals.


In the summer of 2023, I spent three weeks in the Ghorjomi valley, in the village of Tsetskhladzeebi, in one of the local families, where I felt such warmth, respect, support and humor that I have not often experienced in other places.


My current first connection to Ghorjomi was Ms.Mzevinari, who has her own tailoring shop in the Ghorjomi valley, and employs several local women in her small enterprise. Mzevinar put me in touch with her employee, and that's how I ended up in the Tsetskhladzeebi family, where I met 16-year-old Eka, with whom I researched and listened to the stories of Ghorjomi women.


Traditionally, Ghorjomi women were and still are actively involved in farming, housework, garden and vegetable maintenance, raising children, taking care of other family members, and needlework (embroidery, weaving, sewing). Every woman has a precious, emotional, powerful and inspiring story in her life. Over the course of three weeks, Eka and I met and talked with about 10 Ghorjomi women of different generations, which inspired and strengthened both of us.


The main purpose of this study was to bring to you the direct narrative of women, so that you can listen, see and get to know those strong women from Ghorjomi who, thanks to hard work, patience, mutual respect and humor, have formed and explored the path of life.


Medium: Mixed media

Ghorjomi, Khulo. August 2023

